Ini dia Huruf / Font Betawi karya M. Nour Hidayat - Mahasiswa Bandung asal Bekasi Jurusan Design Grafis yang makin memperkaya khazanah budaya Betawi.

Budaya adalah salah satu kekayaan yang dimiliki oleh Negara Indonesia, tidak banyak Negara yang memiliki ragam budaya di dalamnya. Indonesia memiliki budaya Betawi khas dari daerah Jakarta.Betawi adalah salah satu budaya yang unik milik Indonesia. Kemajuan kota Jakarta yang semakin pesat membuat budaya kota ini pun tergeser oleh budaya para pendatang dari lokal maupun asing. Perlahan budaya Betawi pun seperti menghilang dari habitatnya. Namun budaya Betawi masih eksis dan ada dalam sebuah kelompok besar dipinggiran kota Jakarta yang dipertahankan dengan selalu diadakannya acara kesenian Betawi. Namun acara kesenian ini tidak banyak orang yang menyukainya. Akankah budaya Betawi yang unik ini menghilang dari kota Jakarta dan bahkan Indonesia, dan bagaimana kelak anak-anak keturunan Betawi akan mengetahui latar belakang menariknya budaya Betawi ini, maka dengan hadirnya huruf Gigi Balang Font yang dirancang melalui pengadaptasian salah satu ornamen khas Betawi diharapkan dapat membuat Betawi semakin menarik dan terus di ingat serta membuat orang-orang semakin ingin mengetahui budaya Betawi.
Culture is one of the assets from Indonesia, not many countries that have diverse culture in it. Indonesia have Betawi culture from Jakarta. Betawi is one of the unique culture from Indonesia. Jakarta city growing rapidly and that makes the culture of this city were displaced by the culture of the local and foreign entrants. Then Betawi culture become disappear from their habitat. However, the Betawi culture still exists and a large group of sub-urban Jakarta was maintained by always makes a show to holding Betawi. But that show not many people liked. Will this unique Betawi culture disappeared from the city and even Indonesia, and how the future of the offspring Betawi children will know the background of Betawi culture, then with the presence of Gigi Balang Font as a letter font that based from adaptation of one of the typical Betawi ornaments is expected to make Betawi more interesting and keep in mind as well as making people increasingly want to know the Betawi culture.
Culture is one of the assets from Indonesia, not many countries that have diverse culture in it. Indonesia have Betawi culture from Jakarta. Betawi is one of the unique culture from Indonesia. Jakarta city growing rapidly and that makes the culture of this city were displaced by the culture of the local and foreign entrants. Then Betawi culture become disappear from their habitat. However, the Betawi culture still exists and a large group of sub-urban Jakarta was maintained by always makes a show to holding Betawi. But that show not many people liked. Will this unique Betawi culture disappeared from the city and even Indonesia, and how the future of the offspring Betawi children will know the background of Betawi culture, then with the presence of Gigi Balang Font as a letter font that based from adaptation of one of the typical Betawi ornaments is expected to make Betawi more interesting and keep in mind as well as making people increasingly want to know the Betawi culture.
Oleh M. Noer Hidayat
resep niiihh
BalasHapusapakah font Gigi Balang sudah bisa di download.... bagaimana caranya ? adakah fee license-nya ?
BalasHapusBoleh saya minta kontak m.noer hidayat atau emailnya saya mau izin pakai font nya
BalasHapushai, silahkan ke instagram saya aja ya bang, @hidayatnoerm